About the Author: Fun facts #6
TMI or Juuuuuuuust Right?!
So the description of Borrowed Time (short synopsis) was a huge debate in my household. My original description gave away a certain detail as an "attention grabber" to peak a reader's interest in wanting to read the book. However, it was immediately deemed a "spoiler" by my wife and daughter. I assured them both the plot thickens and there are a few twists in the book so this "spoiler" is just the amount needed to get a new reader salivating
🤤 and wanting more. But I left it out.
TMI or Juuuuuuuust Right?!
So the description of Borrowed Time (short synopsis) was a huge debate in my household. My original description gave away a certain detail as an "attention grabber" to peak a reader's interest in wanting to read the book. However, it was immediately deemed a "spoiler" by my wife and daughter. I assured them both the plot thickens and there are a few twists in the book so this "spoiler" is just the amount needed to get a new reader salivating

If you own a copy of Borrowed Time and read the back description the gift of "sight" is mentioned. Everyone who's read the description of the book on my website, Amazon etc. gives the same or a similar response. "Hmmmmm sounds interesting."

But for those that were in my presence at the time, I would sneakily (and probably creepily) get close and say "Hey want to know what the gift of 'sight' actually allows Jacob to do?"
😏 They would always says yes...
😯And when I tell them— "Hmmmmm sounds interesting." is replaced with "OMG! I have to read this!"

So...I changed the book's meta data (description) giving away the detail on this small but juicy morsel. Was it too much?
🤐 Or was it just right?
😁Let me know in the comments.

The new description is live everywhere including Amazon.
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