I have come to the realization that 2020 is not going to stop throwing any of us curveballs. That being said, I wanted share this. For a while now, every time there was a tragic event I needed to take a mental break to recoup. I’ve watched cities burn, people dying from Covid-19, myself being stuck in the house almost feeling trapped.
The word “quarantine” becoming so synonymous with our everyday life it was ridiculous. But still it didn’t stop. 2020 refused to let up. Racial injustice, riots, looting and then finally a year of people close to me passing away.
Break 1, break 2, break 3….. and so forth. I found myself literally drowning in what was happening around me and barely living out my own existence and purpose.
So that’s what this is about. FIGHTING! Please, I implore all of you to keep going. Yes, we all need a break but life isn’t letting up. People are going to still pass away when you least expect it. Naysayers are still going to downplay and doubt all you have done and what you’re capable of. Covid isn’t going anywhere and you and I both will be masked super heroes for some time to come. Racial injustice is still going to hunt us, trying it’s best to divide and conquer. Some of the worst perpetrators will be people we know and/or love.
We cannot afford to a sanity break for every ill-fated event thrown our way this year. At least I know I cannot. We must continue to move forward and live! Because we all still here, ALIVE and that is an accomplishment within itself.
Do not let these events extinguish your pursuit, your drive, your will or your creative flame!
Til we write again, love to you and your family.
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