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Borrowed Time and the 9-year hiatus Part 1

About the Author: Fun facts #3 (PART 1 of 2—Creative Control)
Borrowed Time and the 9-year hiatus
Did you know Borrowed Time was completed in its entirety in 2009? BT author A.D. Sommerio explains the 9-year gap and what changed that finally brought Borrowed Time to readers everywhere.
“Two main reasons attributed to a 9-year hiatus with me publishing Borrowed Time. I was so excited when I completed my final draft in 2009. I was ready for the next chapter of my life in becoming an author and sharing my vision with the world. But timing is everything and…well, life happens. First, I knew I probably didn’t want to go with the traditional publishing route so self-publishing was my goal. I’d read many books and articles about traditional publishing—being ready for a slew of rejection letters and ultimately losing some creative control of my work. I wasn’t too keen on any of the previous mentioned but more so about the creative control. I wanted to establish my audience based on who I really was as an author. I didn’t want to be introduced to the world with a ‘watered down’ version of my work that would appeal to a wider range of readers, for the sake of my publisher making more money. I can’t stress this enough when I say that this has NEVER been about money. It has always been about sharing my literary works with the world. 
Now what I wanted and what was possible are two totally different things. I’d done my research on self-publishing and boy oh boy was it costly for what I wanted. Fresh into a career transition from officer to IT analyst I was literally taking a hit in pay to gain my footing in a new work field. By ‘hit’ I mean making maybe a fourth of my salary as when I was an officer. Life wasn’t kind to me at this time either. Over the next few years I would consistently be victim of unforeseen financial travesties. I mean seriously, my ‘series of unfortunate events’ would make Lemony plenty jealous. But 9 years?! I know that’s what you’re thinking. Well when I tell you the second reason for the gap, you may raise an eyebrow…or two. It was, in all its devilish simplicity—FEAR!”
Thanks for reading! Please join us here this Monday for;
About the Author: Fun facts Monday (PART 2 of 2—FEAR!)
Borrowed Time and the 9-year hiatus
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