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Showing posts from June, 2018

A question from a reader. "What if anything inspired the writing of Borrowed Time?"

About the Author: Fun facts #9 A question from a reader. "What if anything inspired the writing of Borrowed Time?" The inspiration of Borrowed Time derived from two things, my lifelong fascination with the concept of time and my own natural want and need to help others. I’m not sure if it was the way I was raised or my own deep seeded “hero complex” but I cannot bear to see others suffer or struggle. I also often find it difficult to turn down a request for assistance in any way or look the other way when I see injustice. But I’m sure there are many more like myself (and Jacob) who have the same issue. The fools that believe the small things can actually make a difference in this world. The few that believe that if they set an example, others will follow creating a balanced and better place for not only ourselves but our children to exist in. On my evening commute one day I walked to the city transit station, ascended the stairs in a scurry to catch my train. I stopped w...

Be careful what you ask for!

About the Author: Fun facts #8 Be careful what you ask for! Hello again, readers and friends. So this ATA FF is again geared toward individuals that have read (or are reading) Borrowed Time. The number 1 question I have been getting about the book is simply— "When is the next one coming out?"  Well, yeah about that. You see Borrowed Time was never meant to have a sequel, be a series or even have a second book. I totally thought it would be awesome to completely rewrite the ending of the book and leave people wanting more—to get a reaction. Well, I did. Sometimes you have to be careful what you ask for ask for, cause you just might get it! I've been dissecting the book lately, targeting details and looking for a doorway. You see anything is possible through the creative process. But if I were to try to continue Jacob's story it would have to make sense. It would have to capture the feel from the original and advance our protagonist. This means since I didn...

Borrowed Time's infamous Chapter 17

About the Author: Fun facts #7 Borrowed Time's infamous Chapter 17 Today's ATAFF is more of a nod to those who have finished the book. If I had a dollar for every time I removed and added chapter 17 from the book...well I could definitely buy lunch downtown. This chapter was so taboo to me and completely removed me from my comfort zone. Was it a bit too much, was it appealing to some while others snickered at my attempt here? Only my readers can say.  But I felt this is one of the times the characters advanced the story on their own. My job was pretty much to act as "host or vessel" and let them use me to tell their story. It does however advance the chemistry between two characters and since the events happen in the book lightening fast—it meshes with the ending. Please don't skip to chapter 17 if you haven't made it there in the book just yet. But I guess the moral here is to allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone for the sake of telling ...

TMI or Juuuuuuuust Right?!

About the Author: Fun facts #6 TMI or Juuuuuuuust Right?! So the description of Borrowed Time (short synopsis) was a huge debate in my household. My original description gave away a certain detail as an "attention grabber" to peak a reader's interest in wanting to read the book. However, it was immediately deemed a "spoiler" by my wife and daughter. I assured them both the plot thickens and there are a few twists in the book so this "spoiler" is just the amount needed to  get a new reader salivating 🤤  and wanting more. But I left it out.  If you own a copy of Borrowed Time and read the back description the gift of "sight" is mentioned. Everyone who's read the description of the book on my website, Amazon etc. gives the same or a similar response. "Hmmmmm sounds interesting." 🤔 But for those that were in my presence at the time, I would sneakily (and probably creepily) get close and say "Hey want to know what the gi...

A picture is worth a thousand words!

About the Author: Fun facts #5 So my first official book signing will take place Saturday June 23rd 2018. More information on that in the upcoming days. But it isn't the "when" I want to talk about, it's actually the "where". The book signing will take place in Chicago IL at Sip and Savor Cafe Chicago, 5301 Hyde Park Blvd. As some of you know I am a Hyde Park native and lived in the neighborhood for several years. The lakefront was my place of serenity and peace —where I  could think and gather inspiration. If you have ever went to my website  there is a picture of myself in a very special location. This picture is actually 2 blocks away from where the book signing will take place on 55th and Lake Shore Drive. It was taken in the winter by  Edgar Alanis  at around 5:45am during sunrise and a very cold winter morning. The ice you see is the lake completely frozen for as far as the eye can see. I love this pic and especially the locati...

Borrowed Time and the 9-year hiatus Part 2

About the Author: Fun facts #4 (PART 2 of 2—FEAR) Borrowed Time and the 9-year hiatus For years I sat on a finished manuscript and found every single excuse not to turn it loose. I denied not only myself the satisfaction of becoming a published author but the world of my vision and telling Jacob’s story. You see when you’re in this “transitional phase” you’re safe. Failure isn’t an option because you cling to the “what if” and the “yeah one day when the time is right.” Truth is putting your work out to the  world can be both satisfying but quite terrifying at the same time. You see human beings are entitled to these things called “opinions” and are not afraid to use them. Family and friends will be very lenient and gracious when giving feedback of your work but the guys/gals that doesn’t know you from a hole in the wall…well might be a bit more critical. This state of vulnerability I wasn’t ready for plain and simple. You see I couldn’t fail and my book couldn’t see bad reviews...

Borrowed Time and the 9-year hiatus Part 1

About the Author: Fun facts #3 (PART 1 of 2—Creative Control) Borrowed Time and the 9-year hiatus Did you know Borrowed Time was completed in its entirety in 2009? BT author A.D. Sommerio explains the 9-year gap and what changed that finally brought Borrowed Time to readers everywhere. “Two main reasons attributed to a 9-year hiatus with me publishing Borrowed Time. I was so excited when I completed my final draft in 2009. I was ready for the next chapter of my life in be coming an author and sharing my vision with the world. But timing is everything and…well, life happens. First, I knew I probably didn’t want to go with the traditional publishing route so self-publishing was my goal. I’d read many books and articles about traditional publishing—being ready for a slew of rejection letters and ultimately losing some creative control of my work. I wasn’t too keen on any of the previous mentioned but more so about the creative control. I wanted to establish my audience based on who I ...