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I get it 2020 but I'm on to you now and I'm moving forward!

I have come to the realization that 2020 is not going to stop throwing any of us curveballs. That being said, I wanted share this. For a while now, every time there was a tragic event I needed to take a mental break to recoup. I’ve watched cities burn, people dying from Covid-19, myself being stuck in the house almost feeling trapped.     The word “quarantine” becoming so synonymous with our everyday life it was ridiculous. But still it didn’t stop. 2020 refused to let up. Racial injustice, riots, looting and then finally a year of people close to me passing away.    Break 1, break 2, break 3….. and so forth. I found myself literally drowning in what was happening around me and barely living out my own existence and purpose.    So that’s what this is about. FIGHTING! Please, I implore all of you to keep going. Yes, we all need a break but life isn’t letting up. People are going to still pass away when you least expect it. Naysayers are still going to downpl...
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A Coincidence to You Maybe, For Me a Message!!!

The day after Christmas and I’m going through my own version of “therapy”. By therapy I mean playing this extremely time consuming and addictive videogame to numb me and take my mind off of the last week’s events. Now this game and I have a serious history and at one point I was playing it so much I began to neglect my responsibilities as a writer. So much in fact, I sold my PS4 so I would no longer play it. Did that work? Yes, actually it did…until I purchased said game for my daughter for Christmas and now have been playing it on  her  system for the lack of my own. But why the relapse? Well Friday December 20 th  2019 I did something I almost never do. I attended a funeral. Now let me backtrack for those of you that don’t know me very well. I don’t do death. I don’t do wakes and I don’t do funerals. This has caused plenty of controversy for years between both sides of my family and myself. It is in no way meant to be a sign of disrespect. And in the past, before I...


IM NO LONGER INTERESTED! I’m no longer interested , as I thirst for change and see a future that is mine for the taking. To see what is beyond tomorrow, next week or even next year! But where I am right now… I’m  no longer interested. I’m  no longer interested , in working a 9-5 corporate job, to help someone  else  achieve  their  vision. Pretending  their  mission statement is my own, when in truth I know I’m expendable and replaceable. “Oh, so what you’re basically saying is your ungrateful .  There are so many that would love to have your job, or  a  job at all!” I never said I wasn’t grateful, I will always be grateful for what God has given me. However, working for someone else... I’m no longer interested. I’m no longer interested , with commuting via public transportation. To be bumped, pushed and touched. Saturated by the smell of someone else's forgotten hygiene, or consumed by their negative energy....

The Transition

I’m writing this blog for the numerous requests I have received as of late from both friends and fans. I’m often asked the same question more or less just in different variations. “How do you come up with what you write?” While a very simple question that I’d love to smirk and reply “It just comes naturally to me,” it tends to be a bit more complicated than that. In order for me to create, certain  conditions  must be met and catered or else I just find myself staring at my monitor. First and most important is my setting. Ambience plays a major theme in whether or not I and able to “transcend” over into the world I’m writing in. Confused yet? Allow me to elaborate further. Dim lighting and close quarters are best at starting the process. Large open areas I find overbearing and uncomfortable to write in, but stick me in a closet or small bedroom with the door shut and I’m golden. Next is sound.  I CAN NOT WRITE IN NOISY BOISTEROUS SETTINGS!  I find it nearly impo...

Mental Health Should be Nurtured Not Ignored

If this offends you then it very well may be YOU. Too many times I hear “I’m unhappy with everyone and everything around me.” The key words here are “ I’m unhappy .” Far too many times we want to find fault and blame in those we love and others, when we are unhappy with ourselves. You cannot and  will not  be happy with anyone else if you are unhappy in general. We have to detach ourselves as a people from thinking “It’s not me its everyone else.” Mental health is huge for everyone and it doesn’t matter your ethnicity, moral standing or financial status. Depression is real, PTSD is real, anxiety is real. But what makes it a danger is when you fail to see it happening to YOU and refuse to get help. The narcissism kicks in and everything is everyone else’s defunct and you’re perfect. This leads to brash and poor decision making because you believe you can “fix” your unhappiness but directly dealing with others instead of self. As for heads of household, friends, spouses...

A Year Later, Excitement, Support and Pain

We are just days away from the one year anniversary release date of my debut novel Borrowed Time. For me, this sends a surge of emotions through my body. I waited 9 long years to publish a story I wrote and absolutely adore. I had a ball with learning the ins and outs of self publishing (and now still learning proper marketing techniques). I launched the website to host not just my work, but all authors with the Sommerio surname (maiden included). I've donated paperback copies to local library's all across the Chicagoland area. I spoke at two schools regarding publishing, dream pursuing and the importance of literacy. I had a successful book signing, although my tour was canceled shortly after (more on that in a moment), where the support was nothing less than remarkable. I even dipped into philanthropy and launched a campaign for education giving 100% proceeds of my novel to selected schools in Chicago. But this is just the beginning. You may have heard me...

Reality Check > Royalty Check

Let’s get Personal for a moment. So, I got an email yesterday for yet another RC. Now first I would like to say that the last two months have been absolutely heartbreaking for me. But by the grace of family, friends and blessings—I have been able to stay afloat. I know—we all go through it right? Life sees you doing something you love/positive and places a bulk order for “monkey wrenches” to toss at you. However, this Royalty Check, while small and humbling in nature (no, I’ m not big time just yet lol) was a huge reminder and eye opener for me. To put it simple, people are buying Borrowed Time. But not just buying it. Buying it, reading it and referring it to others. They are enjoying Jacob’s story and I couldn’t ask for more. I would like to give thanks again to you all. I know a lot of the referrals may actually come from the very people, part of this page. I’ve always said I didn’t care about making a ton of money selling my stories. That still stands today, it’s secondary ...