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Borrowed Time's infamous Chapter 17

About the Author: Fun facts #7
Borrowed Time's infamous Chapter 17
Today's ATAFF is more of a nod to those who have finished the book. If I had a dollar for every time I removed and added chapter 17 from the book...well I could definitely buy lunch downtown.
This chapter was so taboo to me and completely removed me from my comfort zone. Was it a bit too much, was it appealing to some while others snickered at my attempt here? Only my readers can say. 

But I felt this is one of the times the characters advanced the story on their own. My job was pretty much to act as "host or vessel" and let them use me to tell their story. It does however advance the chemistry between two characters and since the events happen in the book lightening fast—it meshes with the ending.
Please don't skip to chapter 17 if you haven't made it there
in the book just yet. But I guess the moral here is to allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone for the sake of telling a complete story. Oh yeah and let your characters be free to do what they want in an organic and natural way that compliments their personas.
Till next time! Don't forget JUNE 23rd 1-3PM is the Book Signing. I hope to have a special treat for Audio Book lovers at the signing as well!!!! Cheers.


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