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A question from a reader. "What if anything inspired the writing of Borrowed Time?"

About the Author: Fun facts #9
A question from a reader.
"What if anything inspired the writing of Borrowed Time?"
The inspiration of Borrowed Time derived from two things, my lifelong fascination with the concept of time and my own natural want and need to help others. I’m not sure if it was the way I was raised or my own deep seeded “hero complex” but I cannot bear to see others suffer or struggle. I also often find it difficult to turn down a request for assistance in any way or look the other way when I see injustice. But I’m sure there are many more like myself (and Jacob) who have the same issue. The fools that believe the small things can actually make a difference in this world. The few that believe that if they set an example, others will follow creating a balanced and better place for not only ourselves but our children to exist in.
On my evening commute one day I walked to the city transit station, ascended the stairs in a scurry to catch my train. I stopped when I spotted a visually impaired man who seem to have lost his way. He’d missed the staircase and veered right placing him between a trash receptacle and the payment booth where you purchase your transit cards. He tapped his walking stick between the two structures confused. Now what really bothered me the most was not only was this man a bit distraught, but people just stared at him and walked away. Why wouldn’t anyone try to assist him? I verbally announced myself and asked the man if he were looking for the stairs, in which he said, “yes can you help me?” I had him take my arm, led him to the stairs and left him know his street and cross street in which he was facing. How much did this cost me? 7 mins waiting for another train and having to stand on a more crowded train on the ride home. So basically nothing. Which is why I just couldn’t understand why people just ignored this man and went about their day.
Jacob has this same “complex” the incessant need and want to help others. But his reasons are different. It is triggered by the guilt he lives with after a tragic and irreversible event happens in his life. 
Whenever we as people stop to help others, no matter how small or great the task we sacrifice something in return, mainly time! Time that is irreplaceable and precious. Some help others seeking a “blessing” or returned favor. Others do it because they claim it is “just who they are”. But one thing I see a lot are the complaints from individuals whom help others but feel underappreciated or used. Their response is the change this giving and assisting approach with a more self-preserving model. Now don’t get me wrong you should never let anyone run over you, but I implore the giving and good deed doers, NOT to change who they are because those they've helped, did not reciprocate. To better elaborate I leave you with a conversation between Jacob’s boss and mentor Harold Pinkerton and Jacob Parnell himself.
“Jacob closed his eyes taking a deep breath before continuing. “Sir…had you ever felt like…helping others was the right and noble thing to do…yet not worth the consequences?”
“Well I guess that would all depend on the consequences,” Pinkerton replied.
“Just taking away from your time…but time that is invaluable and irreplaceable!” Harold looked at Jacob confused momentarily.
“Let me just tell you this Jacob. The hero business is a poor paying one to begin with. But what you have to do is look at the individual(s) you have sacrificed your time to help. What is their worth to you? Are they good people? I would have to assume so if you decided to come to their aid. Within that, you will be rewarded…maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but God sees all my dear boy believe me. No good deed goes unnoticed. It matters not if it comes from the people you’ve helped, hell most of the time it doesn’t. What matters is that you did what you believed to be right because of who you are. There is and must always be a balance…whatever you’ve sacrificed will be returned one way or another…you just have to believe it will be so.”
Excerpt From: Antonio Sommerio. “Borrowed Time.” iBooks.


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