I’m writing this blog for the numerous requests I have received as of late from both friends and fans. I’m often asked the same question more or less just in different variations. “How do you come up with what you write?” While a very simple question that I’d love to smirk and reply “It just comes naturally to me,” it tends to be a bit more complicated than that. In order for me to create, certain conditions must be met and catered or else I just find myself staring at my monitor. First and most important is my setting. Ambience plays a major theme in whether or not I and able to “transcend” over into the world I’m writing in. Confused yet? Allow me to elaborate further. Dim lighting and close quarters are best at starting the process. Large open areas I find overbearing and uncomfortable to write in, but stick me in a closet or small bedroom with the door shut and I’m golden. Next is sound. I CAN NOT WRITE IN NOISY BOISTEROUS SETTINGS! I find it nearly impo...
Official Blog of Author A.D. Sommerio