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Showing posts from May, 2019

A Year Later, Excitement, Support and Pain

We are just days away from the one year anniversary release date of my debut novel Borrowed Time. For me, this sends a surge of emotions through my body. I waited 9 long years to publish a story I wrote and absolutely adore. I had a ball with learning the ins and outs of self publishing (and now still learning proper marketing techniques). I launched the website to host not just my work, but all authors with the Sommerio surname (maiden included). I've donated paperback copies to local library's all across the Chicagoland area. I spoke at two schools regarding publishing, dream pursuing and the importance of literacy. I had a successful book signing, although my tour was canceled shortly after (more on that in a moment), where the support was nothing less than remarkable. I even dipped into philanthropy and launched a campaign for education giving 100% proceeds of my novel to selected schools in Chicago. But this is just the beginning. You may have heard me...